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Upcoming Chorus Rehearsals and Concert info

Our February chorus concert is Thursday, February 13th.  Students should arrive in full concert attire by 6:00pm.  Concert begins at 7pm.

There are 2 combined rehearsals prior to the concert

Monday, 2/3 from 2:30-4  (some students will be released before 4:00.  See schedule below)
2:30-3:15-All chorus students  
3:15-Concert Choir students released
3:30-Freshmen and Select Treble released
4:00-all remaining students released

Monday, 2/10 from 2:30-4:30
All students are called until 4:30

We hope to see everyone at The Voice Live competition this Saturday at 7:00pm!!!  If you are able, please click on the link below to donate to our concessions stand.  All proceeds go to our senior scholarship fund!!

Thanks for your support!